2223 E Dauphin St, Philadelphia PA 19125 / office@summerfield.org / 215-634-1372

We are committed to loving God and our neighbors in Fishtown and beyond to all of the Riverwards, Philadelphia, and the world!

You’re invited!

11:00 am Worship in-person & online
12:30 pm alt wks Hope Park in-person

6:00 pm Dessert in-person
6:30 pm Bible Study in-person

Tue, Thu, Fri
10:00 am Coffee Talk online

Full Calendar – EverythingSimple – No Meetings or Weekly Events

September 2024

Wed Sep 18
6:00 pm
2223 Coffee Shop

Bible Study

September 2024


Food & Friends @ Hope Park

Another wonderful afternoon meeting up with friends in Hope Park. We love catching up on each others lives, sharing food with those who are hungry, and offering hope and options beyond homelessness and addiction.

“You will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
    and you will praise the name of the Lord your God,
    who has worked wonders for you;
never again will my people be shamed.”
– Joel 22:26

Lunch time!
Chicken salad, tuna, turkey, or PBJ?

Extreme Tour Rocks Konrad Square

Great weather! Great food! GREAT MUSIC!
It was a blast bringing The Extreme Tour to Konrad Square. Loved the music. Loved the people. Loved the love.

Idiomz & Danyelle Speaks
The Reed Effect

Ukranian Festival

We enjoyed getting back to Tryzub’s annual Ukranian Festival after missing two years due to the pandemic! Always great food and entertainment. Attendance was the highest ever due to both the pandemic and support for Ukraine following the Russian invasion.